peacebond sidearm god rolls

Peacebond God Rolls: New Stasis Sidearm from Iron Banner

Learn what weapon perk combinations you should chase after while grinding Iron Banner for your Peacebond god rolls!

Iron Banner is back for Season of the Lost and there are two new weapons to chase after this season. One of which is Peacebond and it’s a Stasis burst fire sidearm that goes in the Kinetic weapon slot. PvP focused guardians should definitely make the time to pick up this sidearm since it’ll let them use powerful primary weapons like Igneous Hammer, Palindrome, and Vex Mythoclast in their special weapon slot. More importantly, Peacebond has some incredibly powerful weapon perk combos that can really shake up your playstyle.

Check out our top picks for Peacebond god rolls in both PvE and PvP activities!

Peacebond Stasis Sidearm

Peacebond is a 3 shot burst sidearm that deals Stasis damage and comes with the new weapon perks that were added to the game in Season of the Lost. This makes it one of the most unique and sought after weapons in the game right now. The god rolls that Peacebond can have will make you a force to be reckoned with in both PvE and PvP.

If you’re having trouble getting a Peacebond by turning in Iron Banner tokens to Lord Saladin, you can do the For the War to Come quest line and get one for completing the 3rd part of that quest.

PvE God Roll for Peacebond

Despite it coming from Iron Banner, Peacebond has some absolutely phenomenal rolls for PvE. Though it may not be the best option in high end content like Grandmaster Nightfalls or Master Raids because of its short range, it can still be used in every other PvE activity in the game.

  • First Column: Corkscrew Rifling – Balanced barrel that slightly increases range, stability, and handling speed.
  • Second Column: Accurized Rounds – Increases range so this weapon can fire over longer distances.
  • Third Column: Rangefinder – Aiming this weapon increases its effective range and zoom magnification. Increases projectile velocity while aiming Rocket Launchers, Grenade Launchers, and Bows.
  • Fourth Column: Demolitionist – Final blows with this weapon generate grenade energy. Activating your grenade ability reloads this weapon from reserves.
    • Honorable Mention: Headstone – Precision final blows spawn a Stasis crystal at the target’s location.
  • Masterwork: Range – Increases the range of this weapon and generates Orbs on multikills.
  • Weapon Mod: Adept Icarus Grip – Improves accuracy while airborne. Slightly increases weapon range.
peacebond pve god roll weapon stats
peacebond pve god roll weapon perks


While improving this weapon’s range stat isn’t as important in PvE as it is in PvP, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t important. Increasing Peacebond’s effective range lets you put some extra breathing room between yourself and enemy mobs without having to deal with damage drop-off.

Pushing out your effective range will also tighten the spread of your bursts. This makes your shots land closer together which makes it easier to chain together precision shots. Range is also tied to a number of other hidden stats like target acquisition and aim assistance among a few others.

So it’s always a smart idea to improve the range of a weapon like Peacebond with perks like Rangefinder, Accurized Rounds, etc. when its stability and handling perks are already in a good place.

Demolitionist vs. Headstone

Both of these perks are excellent choices for running a Peacebond in PvE. Which one you chase after will depend on what build you’re running.

For instance, a Shadebinder Warlock will most likely favor Demolitionist over Headstone to maximize the uptime on their Bleak Watcher Turret. However, if you’re running Stasis Fragments like Whisper of Shards or Whisper of Chains, spawning Stasis Crystals can grant you and your team some great buffs to improve your lethality and survivability.

The biggest drawback to Headstone is that it severely lacks utility if you or your teammates aren’t running a Stasis build. The crystal itself doesn’t do anything for non-Stasis build beyond creating a temporary obstruction that could inconvenience mobs trying to get around it. The other issue with Headstone is that it only procs on precision final blows. If you have trouble securing those headshots with burst sidearms, you’ll have some difficulty spawning Stasis Crystals.

I’m not a big fan of perks that offer limited to no utility outside of specific circumstances which is why I gave Demolitionist the edge for Peacebond’s PvE god roll. Getting grenade energy on final blows is always a good thing and will always be useful regardless of the activity you’re running or what encounter you’re facing.

The only exception to this is boss DPS, but let’s be honest. If you have to use a sidearm to down the boss, your fireteam has bigger things to worry about.

PvP God Roll for Peacebond

While sidearms aren’t quite in the meta right now in the current Sandbox, Peacebond has some great perk combinations that can made it quite deadly in PvP with the right playstyle.

  • First Column: Corkscrew Rifling – Balanced barrel that slightly increases range, stability, and handling speed.
  • Second Column: Accurized Rounds – Increases range so this weapon can fire over longer distances.
  • Third Column: Rangefinder – Aiming this weapon increases its effective range and zoom magnification. Increases projectile velocity while aiming Rocket Launchers, Grenade Launchers, and Bows.
  • Fourth Column: Snapshot Sights – Faster time to aim down sights.
  • Masterwork: Range – Increases the range of this weapon and generates Orbs on multikills.
  • Weapon Mod: Adept Icarus Grip – Improves accuracy while airborne. Slightly increases weapon range.
peacebond pvp god roll weapon stats
peacebond pvp god roll weapon perks

Rangefinder vs. Killing Wind

Sidearm god rolls are all about increasing the weapon’s effective range. Sidearms have a very short effective range and there is a lot of overlap between them, submachine guns, and shotguns. SMGs are the better choice at the tail end of Sidearm range and shotguns are far better in CQC scenarios. You’ll have to find the sweet spot to really use a Sidearm effectively.

Stacking range perks pushes that effective range out so the damage falloff is more forgiving. This also lets you be more competitive against SMG users and start punishing shotgunners faster before they get into OHKO territory. Given the option, I will always run Rangefinder on Sidearms because of this.

Now, I’m a big fan of Killing Wind. It’s a great perk that sees a lot of use in the Crucible and I have it on a lot of weapons that I personally use in PvP. However, it does require final blows to get the proc, but you can just ADS to benefit from Rangefinder. It’s far more useful to have the range buff 100% of the time than to only have it sometimes.

Snapshot Sights vs. Iron Reach

Guardian mobility and movement speed is at an all time high and it’s very easy to close the gap in the current sandbox. When you’re using a sidearm, every millisecond counts. A split second can mean the difference between punishing an opponent for rushing you or getting OHKO’d by a shotgun.

Coupling Snapshot with Rangefinder together is a powerful combo. This effectively cuts your ADS time in half which gives you that split second you may need to survive against a rusher. And on top of that, using a Sidearm targeting mod on your helm will further improved your ADS speed making it near instantaneous.

Peacebond can now also roll with Iron Reach which seems to be gaining in popularity, but one thing to remember with all Iron Banner specific perks is that you receive a large buff at a large sacrifice. In this case, you get about +20 range, but you lose about 25 stability which is more than it sounds like. Stability is a big deal on burst sidearms since only landing part of your bursts can severely tank your TTK.

Iron Reach is a viable perk, but you have to chase a roll that focuses on stability instead.

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Kenny Empey

Kenny is a lifelong gamer that enjoys writing in-depth guides for RPGs, JRPGs, strategy, and FPS games. You can follow him on Twitter, YouTube, or Twitch to stay up to date with the latest content and guides from